Fluency Enhancer

This uses the following Suggesters, to give a first pass to text possibly written by someone with English as a second language, with the aim of increasing clarity, updating sentence structure and word usage: 

Dictation Fixer

This Activity aims to update and fix text that has been auto-transcribed or dictated by fixing typos and running copyediting options on it: 

Engagement Tuner

This includes the following Suggesters, with the goal of making text clearer and more accessible: 

Word Count Trimmer

This Activity is for ensuring clear and concise text as possible: 

Empathy Tuner

This Activity aims to increase readability and accessibility as well as the impact of the text: 

Readability Tuner

This Activity aims to revise text with maximum readability with the following Suggesters: 

Plain English Converter

This Activity aims to make text more accessible using Plain English and related Suggesters: 

Editing Helper

This Activity aims to run copy editing and typo checking suggesters to check for errors: