Launching Draftsmith

To start Draftsmith, open Word and the document you want to use it with.

In the ribbon, click the Draftsmith tab. Then, click Launch Draftsmith. 

Logging Into Draftsmith

If this is your first time using Draftsmith, you may be prompted to log in to your Draftsmith account.

You can use the account details you created during purchase or Microsoft's Single Sign-On.

The Startup Screen

After logging in, you will see a panel with eight activities to choose from. The activities in the top ribbon and the panel are the same.

Selecting Your Text

After you choose an activity, Draftsmith will automatically select a sentence from your document to check it and make a suggestion.

If Draftsmith hasn’t selected the sentence you want it to check, you can highlight the text you’d prefer to check with your cursor.

You can also use the arrows below the Replace Text button to move backward and forward through the text.

Replacing Text

Draftsmith will automatically give you a suggestion as soon as you’ve selected your text. To use the suggestion, click Replace Text. Or, to get a new suggestion, click the refresh button.

Three Suggesters

Draftsmith provides three Suggesters based on the activity you have selected. For example, if you choose the Empathy Tuner, the Suggesters you’ll see are Punchier, More Exciting, and Simplify.

Accessing More Suggesters

To get more Suggesters, click on the downward arrows. The Suggesters fall under the categories Audience, Style, Line Edit, Source, and Funny.

Comparing Suggestions with the Original

To compare your original text with Draftsmith’s suggested text, check the Original box.

Or, if you’d like Draftsmith to highlight the changes it’s made to your text, check the Show Changes box.

Undoing Draftsmith’s Changes

If you ever want to undo a change made with Draftsmith, you don’t need to look for an Undo button. Simply use the one in Word.